December 20, 2011

How to Give e-Gifts This Holiday Season

Many reading fanatics now have an e-reader, tablet computer, or other device on which to read ebooks, which can make gift-giving for these individuals a little more difficult if you had planned on giving them something to read this holiday season. has offered up a list of ways major online e-tailers (including iTunes,, and Barnes and Noble, among others) make giving e-gifts easier this holiday season.

Click here to read the full article.

November 21, 2011

Google eBooks™ “How-To” Flier Now Available

Having trouble market eBooks to confused buyers? Have questions about downloading Google eBooks™ onto different e-readers? The American Bookesellers' Association (ABA) has created a "how-to" flier that provides customers with step-by-step instructions for the entire Google eBooks™ process. 

Download your flier and get more information about marketing Google eBooks™ here.

November 18, 2011

Booksellers Give Tips for Promoting E-Books

The following entry was originally posted by Christy on the Llewellyn blog for booksellers, MoonLit on November 18, 2011.

Bookselling This Week, the free weekly e-newsletter of the American Booksellers Association (ABA), recently talked to several booksellers about e-book marketing.

“The best approach to promoting e-books is multiple approaches — feature them in general and targeted electronic and print newsletters, advertise online and in-store, train staff, and “just be relentless”— is the collective opinion of booksellers who recently talked to Bookselling This Week about e-book marketing — Paul Hanson of Village Books, Christie Olson Day at Gallery Bookshop & Bookwinkle’s Children’s Books, and Pete Mulvihill of Green Apple Books.”

Here are some highlights from the article “Booksellers Share Best Practices for Promoting E-Books” by Karen Schechner.

Elect an “e-book answer guru” who can work one-on-one with customers to answer questions, set up their e-reader, and download their first book.

Host e-book and e-reader discussions for answering questions and exchanging ideas.

Spread the word. Talk face to face with customers about e-books. Create in-store handouts and bookmarks to start conversations with customers.

Provide published reviews of e-reading devices.

Post signs and fliers promoting e-books. Highlight well-priced titles with QR codes.

Have any tips to share? Please chime in!

September 20, 2011

Now Is the Time to Begin Your Halloween Planning

Sigh. It seems as though summer has flown by us for another year; wasn’t it just Midsummer yesterday, and Memorial Day the week before that? Though many of us will be loathe to see these long, sweltering days end, there is something magical about the palpable change in the air, the feeling of renewal that comes with that change, even if we are entering the dying portion of the seasonal cycle.

The crisp autumn air, the crunching of leaves underfoot, the smell of wood-burning fireplaces…to me, these things bring such happiness. And Samhain! That most magical of holidays, when the veil between the worlds is thinnest, when we celebrate the turning of a new year, when “kids” of all ages have reason to celebrate. And it's never too early to begin your Halloween holiday preparations!

As we near this magical time, it can be hard to reconcile plans (both personal and business) between the sacred and the secular, as well as between the spendy and the thrifty. That said, there are many ways to make Samhain more than just pointed hats and candy –without breaking the bank—at both your home and your store.

For me, decorations area always a great way to set the mood for any holiday season, Samhain included.
  • Pumpkins. A great way to spend time with family, friends, and associates is always at the pumpkin patch, finding that perfect gourd to display, carve, or both. While pumpkins can be found in many places (grocery stores and supermarkets included), I always favor the pumpkin patch because it is generally cheaper, the selection is wider, and it makes for a great activity for everyone.
  • Incense. Smell is one of the first things we notice when we enter a building or home; why not use some that celebrates the season? For a magical, uplifting, and thrifty option, try making your own incense or potpourri.
  • Colors. Colors are a huge part of décor, and I like to use those that are not only traditionally seasonal but also magically appropriate. Silver is great for making connections and bridging the gap (such as with Samhain spirit communications); yellow and gold symbolize the Sun and a fruitful harvest (whether literally or metaphorically).
  • An Altar. Perfect for store or home, a Wheel of the Year altar can be suited to any Sabbat, including Samhain.
Another strong way to connect to the season, to our friends and family, and to our ancestors is through rituals. These make great activities to do alone, to do with friends or family members, or to host as a store activity.

Activities and Parties
There is something about Samhain that just seems to warrant having a party or other event. Looking for ideas? Look no further!
Still looking for more ideas? Check out Samhain Party Hosting Made Easy (

August 30, 2011

Llewellyn's 2011 COVR Award Winners

The following entry was originally posted by Christy on the Llewellyn blog for booksellers, MoonLit on July 8, 2011.

Each year, the Coalition of Visionary Retailers (COVR) selects winners that best represent mind/body/spirit products. The Visionary Awards are judged by retailers and seasoned professionals who evaluate each title based upon content, presentation, and their own knowledge of the industry. At the INATS banquet in June, four Llewellyn titles were honored.

WINNER, Wicca/Paganism

Witchcraft on a Shoestring
Practicing the Craft Without Breaking Your Budget
by Deborah Blake

From homemade tools to frugal feasts to thrifty home decoration, Deborah Blake offers economical tips and suggestions for stretching your dollar while enriching your practice. She gives clear, simple instructions for making your own magickal oils, runes, tarot cards, candles, jewelry, charms, and wands, all using inexpensive materials. Choose from over fifty ways to practice Witchcraft that cost little or no money, and try more than forty recipes for tasty sabbat dishes that cost ten dollars or less.

With a sprinkling of imagination and a touch of magick, you can add to your inner wealth of spirituality. After all, the best parts of being a Witch are always free.

Biting Back
A No-Nonsense, No-Garlic Guide to Facing the Personal Vampires in Your Life
by Claudia Cunningham
1st Runner Up, Conscious Living/Self-Help

Modern Wicca
A History From Gerald Gardner to the Present
by Michael Howard
1st Runner Up, Wicca/Paganism

Planetary Spells & Rituals
Practicing Dark & Light Magick Aligned with the Cosmic Bodies
by Raven Digitalis
2nd Runner Up, Magick/Shamanism

May 18, 2011

What You Need to Know About the Latest Facebook Changes

Do you have a Facebook Page for your website or blog?

You'll get the most out of your Page by following this new best practices guide just published by Facebook. Building Your Business with Facebook Pages offers insight on how to grow your business using Facebook Pages.

Do you host contests through your Facebook Page?

If you do, then you'll want to know about the changes Facebook has made to its Promotion Guidelines. As of May 11, 2011, Facebook has enacted some very strict rules for hosting contests via your Facebook Page.

Do you manage a Group on Facebook?

Facebook is also making changes to Groups and transitioning to a new format for this feature. If you have a group be sure to read this post by Social Media expert and author Mari Smith so you are prepared for the transition.

April 15, 2011

Go Green, Save Money, and Impress Eco-Conscious Consumers

The following entry was originally posted by Christy on the Llewellyn blog for booksellers, MoonLit on April 14, 2011.

Hello again, Booksellers!

As Earth Day approaches, the issue of green takes center stage. How eco-friendly is your store?

I confess that I don’t have the greenest lifestyle. While I use a rain barrel, make an effort to buy local organic foods, recycle (including the plastics that the city won’t take), and keep a chemical-free lawn, there’s a lot more I could do. On my list this summer? Composting!

Taking steps toward a greener business can save a few dollars and win over environmentally conscious customers. Here are some green business practices to ponder.

Reusable Bags
Reusable bags are catching on. Some shops offer a small ten cents discount to customers who use them. Custom tote bags printed with your business name and logo is a great way to advertise your store and encourage customers to bring their own bag. Another option is to simply ask customers (buying only one one or two small items) if they need a bag before automatically providing one. Those who are concerned about reducing waste will feel good about supporting an eco-friendly business.

Make the Leap from Print to Digital
Do you have a store newsletter? Think of how much paper and money you can save by switching from print to electronic. There are plenty of free resources for designing e-newsletters. One example is, which offers easy design templates and other services.

Rejuvenate or Update?
Consider ways to fix what you have, instead of replacing it. If buying new is the only answer, research energy-efficient options that will save you money in the long run. Here’s some information on rebates and funding for energy efficient updates from Energy Star.

Starve the Landfills
It’s amazing how many people have a use for what we consider trash. Before sending your junk to the landfill, check with to see if someone wants to take it off your hands.

More easy ways to reduce, reuse, recycle:
• Seal air leaks in windows and doors.
• Replace incandescent light bulbs with fluorescent.
• Bring in plants to clean the air.
• Opt for paperless billing.
• Reduce junk mail by having your name removed from unwanted mailings.
• Coordinate a staff carpool or encourage employees to commute by bike or mass transit.
• Launch an in-store recycling program.

Have more ideas for reducing your carbon footprint? Please share!

I'll sign off now and leave you with some thought-provoking candidates for a book display.

Voices of the Earth
The Path of Green Spirituality

Sacred Land
Intuitive Gardening for Personal, Political and Environmental Change

Pagan Visions for a Sustainable Future

Sacred Practices of Unity, Power and Earth Healing

April 14, 2011

Magical Storekeeping: 5 Simple Feng Shui Tips for Businesses

The following entry was originally posted by Christy on the Llewellyn blog for booksellers, MoonLit on April 13, 2011.

Hi Booksellers,

At last, spring is here. For us Llewellynites living in the frozen north, Minnesota to be exact, winter is a harsh and incredibly long, bone-chilling journey, provoking doubt as to whether the snow will ever melt. So when spring finally hits, we rejoice in a big way. Considering this is the season for new beginnings, it seems like the perfect time to introduce MoonLit, Llewellyn’s first blog for booksellers.

In keeping with the spring theme, we’ve asked author Tess Whitehurst to share some simple feng shui tips and advice for the store environment.

Have some “magical storekeeping” ideas of your own? Please share! We would love to hear your comments on how spring inspires you to enhance the energy of your shop.

Position Yourself for Success
5 Simple Feng Shui Tips for Booksellers

To the modern-day seeker, a bookstore is not just a store. It’s a temple, a repository of secrets, a mystery school, a gathering place, and an uplifting refuge from the everyday world. To those who are looking for new insights, it’s an open door and an initiation. To those who are in need of healing or guidance, it’s a bright new dawn of hope after a long, dark night of the soul.

To draw new customers into your mystical haven, to make your existing customers’ bookstore experience as enticing as possible, and to position your store for long-term success, there are a number of simple feng shui considerations you might like to employ.

Say it Loud and Say it Proud

Never underestimate the power of signage. A sign that succinctly defines and describes who you are and what you offer—and one that’s easily readable from the street—will get you noticed. (Or, if your store has an entry that’s not visible from the street, do your best to clearly mark the entrance with strategically positioned signs and arrows.) By removing all possible confusion and giving your potential customers an obvious mental picture of how to arrive and enter—and what to expect once they do—they will feel much more comfortable about the prospect.

Invite, Welcome, and Entice

The front door is the place where blessings and abundance enter your business—so it’s exceptionally important to make sure that it’s noticeable, welcoming, and open! For example, make sure that any plants placed nearby are healthy and vibrant, and perhaps bring in a big red doormat to “roll out the red carpet” and cheerily welcome in your clientele.
Allow Breathing Room

When we enter a new environment, we need a moment to come into the present and orient ourselves to our new surroundings. That’s why—as opposed to an explosion of displays and products just inside the door—it’s best to leave a bit of relatively open/clear space in this area for your customers to transition into the environment and serenely assess what surrounds them. (If you want to observe this dynamic first hand, observe what your customers gravitate to immediately upon entering the store. You’ll likely notice that products that are too close to the entryway often go unnoticed.)

Embellish the Bathroom

What turns a good shopping experience into a great one? You guessed it: a magical bathroom. Your customers will love you for it—so why skimp in this area? Have fun with it. For example, you might paint it a whimsical color, hang a sparkly crystal in the window, and/or display attractive and uplifting artwork.

Create Ambiance

Always remember the music! The right music can transport the listener to another realm, and is a key ingredient to bringing out the desirability of your products and enticing your customers to linger and return. Choose something entrancing and pleasant that seems to blend seamlessly with the mood of the store.

Tess Whitehurst is a Los Angeles-based feng shui consultant and the author of Magical Housekeeping: Simple Charms and Practical Tips for Creating a Harmonious Home. Visit her online at

Tess on her favorite bookstore:
Alexandria II in Pasadena, CA will always occupy a special place in my heart because it was the first metaphysical bookstore I ever had the pleasure of finding myself in. I’ll never forget how awestruck I felt as I explored it those first few times.

April 12, 2011

Llewellyn's Affiliate Update, April 2011: Spring Sale, Coupon Offer, Special Promotions

Get fresh Llewellyn banners and text links and the scoop on special offers, sales, and promotions.

The April issue of the Llewellyn Affiliate Update is now available.

Click here to view month's issue.