April 14, 2011

Magical Storekeeping: 5 Simple Feng Shui Tips for Businesses

The following entry was originally posted by Christy on the Llewellyn blog for booksellers, MoonLit on April 13, 2011.

Hi Booksellers,

At last, spring is here. For us Llewellynites living in the frozen north, Minnesota to be exact, winter is a harsh and incredibly long, bone-chilling journey, provoking doubt as to whether the snow will ever melt. So when spring finally hits, we rejoice in a big way. Considering this is the season for new beginnings, it seems like the perfect time to introduce MoonLit, Llewellyn’s first blog for booksellers.

In keeping with the spring theme, we’ve asked author Tess Whitehurst to share some simple feng shui tips and advice for the store environment.

Have some “magical storekeeping” ideas of your own? Please share! We would love to hear your comments on how spring inspires you to enhance the energy of your shop.

Position Yourself for Success
5 Simple Feng Shui Tips for Booksellers

To the modern-day seeker, a bookstore is not just a store. It’s a temple, a repository of secrets, a mystery school, a gathering place, and an uplifting refuge from the everyday world. To those who are looking for new insights, it’s an open door and an initiation. To those who are in need of healing or guidance, it’s a bright new dawn of hope after a long, dark night of the soul.

To draw new customers into your mystical haven, to make your existing customers’ bookstore experience as enticing as possible, and to position your store for long-term success, there are a number of simple feng shui considerations you might like to employ.

Say it Loud and Say it Proud

Never underestimate the power of signage. A sign that succinctly defines and describes who you are and what you offer—and one that’s easily readable from the street—will get you noticed. (Or, if your store has an entry that’s not visible from the street, do your best to clearly mark the entrance with strategically positioned signs and arrows.) By removing all possible confusion and giving your potential customers an obvious mental picture of how to arrive and enter—and what to expect once they do—they will feel much more comfortable about the prospect.

Invite, Welcome, and Entice

The front door is the place where blessings and abundance enter your business—so it’s exceptionally important to make sure that it’s noticeable, welcoming, and open! For example, make sure that any plants placed nearby are healthy and vibrant, and perhaps bring in a big red doormat to “roll out the red carpet” and cheerily welcome in your clientele.
Allow Breathing Room

When we enter a new environment, we need a moment to come into the present and orient ourselves to our new surroundings. That’s why—as opposed to an explosion of displays and products just inside the door—it’s best to leave a bit of relatively open/clear space in this area for your customers to transition into the environment and serenely assess what surrounds them. (If you want to observe this dynamic first hand, observe what your customers gravitate to immediately upon entering the store. You’ll likely notice that products that are too close to the entryway often go unnoticed.)

Embellish the Bathroom

What turns a good shopping experience into a great one? You guessed it: a magical bathroom. Your customers will love you for it—so why skimp in this area? Have fun with it. For example, you might paint it a whimsical color, hang a sparkly crystal in the window, and/or display attractive and uplifting artwork.

Create Ambiance

Always remember the music! The right music can transport the listener to another realm, and is a key ingredient to bringing out the desirability of your products and enticing your customers to linger and return. Choose something entrancing and pleasant that seems to blend seamlessly with the mood of the store.

Tess Whitehurst is a Los Angeles-based feng shui consultant and the author of Magical Housekeeping: Simple Charms and Practical Tips for Creating a Harmonious Home. Visit her online at www.tesswhitehurst.com.

Tess on her favorite bookstore:
Alexandria II in Pasadena, CA will always occupy a special place in my heart because it was the first metaphysical bookstore I ever had the pleasure of finding myself in. I’ll never forget how awestruck I felt as I explored it those first few times.

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